Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday, already?

Wow, is it Wednesday already? WE are still traveling at warp speed, or warped speed, whatever you prefer. ;)

Just wanted to give you all an update - we had a busy anniversary, which I'm thinking we will make up for this weekend, some time, hint, hint to the hubba-bubba. Thanks for all the calls and love from the loved ones - sorry, I couldn't get to the phone, I am battling some sinus/allergy junk - but gratefully, I got a Rite Aid allergy pack rebate in the mail yesterday for 6 FREE Rite Aid brand allergy supplies! Woo-hoo. We enjoyed some friends over in the afternoon and besides being great company, they brought cookies. Again, woo-hooing! Ollie has a "weird" not contagious rash according to the pediatrician. It's not getting worse and looks a little better from the steroid cream. Yay. Emma Grace finished cheerleading. She loved it! I know she'll be sad that it's over and I'm hoping that she'll begin to enjoy dance lessons again in a few weeks, but if not, we may have to stop tap/ballet and begin cheering or go ahead and start piano lessons. Chris is good - he's been in town the last couple of weeks, thankfully, and managed to stay in town for our anniversary, brownie-points for him! His work keeps him busy and he enjoys it - PTL! I'm gearing up for my first "staff" meeting at Omega Learning Center - while OT starts MMO on T/Th, I will be teaching 4 home schooled high school folks math -- pray! Satan is already trying to defeat me in my doubts and fears by bringing my insecurities raging to the surface on top of all else that goes on in our every day lives!

On that note, keep momma in your prayers...daddy, too, he's a keeper as mom says. But, mom just had her next to last round of "bad" chemo and in two weeks, August 19th needs to have some big tests done and some other appointments made. God knows all that this entails - just lift them up to His throne that His will and glory shine.

I'll leave you with words of praise from the prophet, Habakkuk ---

3:2 "LORD, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD.
Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy."

3:19a "The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haven't been here in a while, but I'm keeping your mom in my prayers. Congrats on your anniversary. Good luck with the math classes (who says girls aren't good at math??) Hope Ollie's rash is better. Thanks for the scriptures!