Wednesday, February 27, 2008


and this may not work when I try...but here goes nothing...

Ollie's s'more n more


GE is me said...

Oh my goodness! That looked like a mess to clean up! How cute. My girls watched it with me & we were all laughing. They were like what's baby doing? I loved how he got EG on her nose. Y'all have wicked southern accents. :) (wicked is a N.E. word.)

Thanks for sharing.

Jen Whisonant said...

@Gail - It wasn't too bad - daddy and EG took Ollie up to a bath while I did damage control in the kitchen. Glad we could share a giggle! I do know "wicked" - can you believe that I was born in PA? But obviously, am a southern fried Yankee Belle - I grew up in the sticks and became hick rather quick!

Unknown said...

This video was so cute. What exactly was that he was eating? Poor Emma just couldn't get him to give her a bite. Wiping it off her nose and refusing to eat it was too funny.

Jen Whisonant said...

It was a treat that my mom always made with leftover icing when I was a kid...just cake frosting between two graham and yummy.

GE is me said...

Jen, thanks for reminding me of a wonderful dessert that my mom used to make too. :) I'll have to keep that in mind when I bake for the girls. Only problem is I like frosting too much myself so I like to eat what is left, forget the grahams.