Monday, June 25, 2007

Moving, moving, moving...yee-haw!

Okay, so I'm boxed and ready to go. Tomorrow, the movers are a-comin'! It will be an all day affair for sure. I've canceled all our Comporium services (there was some fleshly pleasure in it --- bad, bad Jen --- I will lay it on the altar, I promise!!!) and made all the appropriate calls to the utility companies to cancel our services with them on closing day which is Wednesday!

Chris went and purchased my new 26 cubic foot dream - it's tall, dark and handsome --- my new side-by-side fridge!!! =) Soon, I'll even get to be the proud mother of twins --- a new washer/dryer, too! Oh, and did I mention, various and sundry other things...which if you know me, you know making large purchases goes against every fiber of my being --- and certain people are not allowed in the car with Chris and I anywhere Hames Music know who you are and I know where you live...

But, really, and seriously, God is good and the "stuff" is just a tiny flicker compared to the flame God has fanned to our fannies in the last 2 months!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

OHHH! New appliances! Isn't it sad the things that get us all worked up! Enjoy!! I am so jealous, though, I would love some 'twins', myself!