Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Wades...

In this first lifelike portrayal...
Everyone is wearing earmuffs except for Mr. Jake...
I should probably ask why because as she is my child,
there will be a reason for the earmuffs.

In this second masterful work,
everyone except for Mrs. Jen is on the railroad.

And in the third and final piece of art in the series,
you will see Mr. Jake in a cave...
Again, I should ask the reasons why, but
maybe Mrs. Jen has her own reasons.

I hope you all enjoyed the gallery!!!
We love you, Wades!


Jen said...

TOO FUNNY!!! Thanks for those original art pieces. I could think of many reasons to put Jake in a cave, but then again, maybe I'd rather be in the cave at times :o)

Chris Whisonant said...

I don't think they are earmuffs - maybe headphones. That picture looks eerily like this picture.

I think Jen made the Wades a Veggie Tale family...

Jen said...

can i be madame blueberry? she had lots of stuff!!!

i think you're right - we are extended members of the veggietale family.