Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An Irish poem...

So you can giggle, too.

"May those that love us, love us.

And those that don’t love us,

May God turn their hearts.

And if he doesn’t turn their hearts,

May he turn their ankles,

So we’ll know them by their limping."

And I have to share --- how good God is at being our Provider when we let go and let HIM! I talked to my mom last night after VBS -- and she said that she was looking over their medical bills - trying to figure out how much of the thousands and thousands of dollars of the cost of chemotherapy would become theirs to pay. She said it was amazing, she logged on and so far --- she owes NOTHING! Every time she goes into the chemo clinic she pays a nominal copay and gets treatment or meds or whatever, and her account shows all these claims processed and she owes NOTHING! Did I say NOTHING???

Yeah, if you cannot believe that God will supply all your needs then you can shut yo' mouth and believe! Yeah, that's what I said. God is so good and faithful and true...and we are so undeserving of HIS glory, but he lavishes it on us anyway because HE loves us so much!

Momma is feeling well right now and on the upswing and hopefully, we'll be headed to see her by the end of this week. Be praying for them and us and traveling mercies and for next Tuesday, when Momma has her "bad" chemo treatments again.

With Much Love --- I am so humbly HIS.


Nikki said...

I love it....even on-line we can see HIM in everything!

GE is me said...

Jen, I love reading your blog! Glad your mom is doing well right now. God is truly awesome! Pray for a new job for my hubs as his is coming to an end next week. I usually don't stress about this, but for some reason am a bit stressed this time around.
btw- please explain O.I.? from the last post.
God Bless, -Gail